OuR Focus


our providers have A demonstrated passion and commitment FOR serving THE LGBTQIA+ Populations of both urban and rural communities.


Your intimate and romantic relationship(s) are likely one of the most important things in your life.


We support youth, young adult, and adult populations.

How has the white, male, colonial gaze, impacted your own relationship to your own body? How has normative heterosexuality impacted your own relationship to your own body? How have the ideas we have all internalized shown up in your relationship to yourself? Are you living as authentically as you’d like to live? If you aren’t, chances are you’ve been coerced by social sanctions.

Whether you’re just getting curious about your gender, are starting a medical transition process, or are deep into your process, we are here to support ALL genders as they navigate gender presentation, gender performance, gender expression, and gender transition.


Whether you’re silently navigating this for yourself, or are out to your communities and families, whether you identify as gay, pan, bi, ace, lesbian, questioning, or straight, we want to help you navigate.

We are Kink and Poly friendly providers. You can bring it all.


At Alluvial Counseling, we want to normalize baseline support. We center a social justice lens in our practice. For us, that means that instead of teaching that mental health is about reclaiming stability, safety, resources, time, etc., as though these things are simply out there for your taking, we honor that you are rightly struggling, rightly interpreting danger, rightly fatigued, and rightly worn out. We teach that this society is the source of trauma. How can we better prepare ourselves for the struggles we face? How can we prepare ourselves for better survival? For more abundant joy in the face of this reality?